Over 400 people under
the age of 18 are caring
for a family member
14% of people in Jersey
registered as actively seeking
work were under 25 years of age
As of end of September 2019
Mental health issues are more
likely to affect young people who
identify as LGBTQ than
those who do not

All money we raise is used locally to directly fund youth work and to develop specific targeted projects including supporting young carers and LGBT young people to help with their personal and social development to ultimately improve their lives and prospects.

We want to give the young people of Jersey the very best start in life and make a real difference by ensuring the appropriate support is available as soon as it is needed.

Our Projects

The My Time 4 Young Carers project offers free weekly youth club sessions, trips, activities and targeted courses to provide the opportunity to try new things and develop skills.

This gives young people the time and space to be themselves and have fun in a fully supported environment.

The LGBTQ Project provides Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and young people who are questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity with a safe space to meet.

This allows them to socialise with like-minded people, gaining support from each other and from the project’s trained team.

Our Sponsors